How do I look?
Get outfit advice from Alexa.
Customers can receive Alexa’s feedback on their outfits after submitting a head-to-toe image.
Role: Lead UX Designer
I focused on creating a custom camera capture and upload experience on the Amazon shopping app – allowing customers to take a head-to-toe photo to receive outfit advice from Alexa. The outfit advice was generated through ML and took into account Alexa’s personality with her responses.
Customers will be taken to a custom camera with an overlay giving them guidance to take a head-to-toe photo – both capture and photo upload is available.
After uploading the photo customers will receive outfit advice from Alexa. Alexa compliments customers’ outfits and sometimes gives a recommendation on how to make the outfit better. Alexa’s honest on her feedback, but nice about it 😊
Once customers receive the outfit feedback they have a set of actions available: submit a new look, give feedback, and share.
The feedback flow lets customer give us feedback on the results to improve the results of the outfit feedback.
As a second release, customers can view and manage their Looks history. They have access to view the original image that was uploaded or captured and be able to view Alexa’s outfit feedback. They can can download, share, and delete each image.